II. International Conference – Women and Sustainable Hunting in Bechyně, Czech Republic
26 November 2014

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Diana, I. Club of Lady Hunters, was founded in 2009 as the first ever woman’s hunting association in the Czech Republic. Our club had the honour to take over the organisation of the II. International Conference on Women and Sustainable Hunting in the Bechyne castle, Czech Republic. The conference was held under the auspices of the CIC and the Czech Ministry of Agriculture. The first such conference had taken place in autumn 2012 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

17The theme of the 2014 conference was “Hunting – Intangible Cultural Heritage, Now and the Future”. This important international event was attended by ca. 80 women from 11 countries. In addition to participants from Europe, some ladies travelled from far away, such as Moscow and Yakutsk, but also from the USA.

The CIC was represented by Mr. Bernard Lozé, President of the CIC (in absentia), Dr. Imrich Šuba, Vice-President of the CIC, and President of the CIC Working Group Artemis, Dr. Sona Supeková. Representatives from most of the participating countries gave presentations during the conference. All speakers expressed their admiration for the organisation of this outstanding event.

25The CIC Working Group Artemis meeting, which took place on the first day, was led by its President, Dr. Sona Supeková; the ladies discussed the possibilities of preparing new projects under the CIC umbrella and decided upon the next venue of the international conference in 2016, to be organized by the Dutch Dianas in the Netherlands in cooperation with the Wageningen University.

The highlight of the conference was the elegant gala dinner, which took place on the evening of the first day and included a performance by world-renowned violin virtuoso Pavel Sporcl. The program of the second day included a tour of the state castle: Hluboka, and its pheasantry. This was accompanied by delicious traditional local food. The third day was celebrated with a St. Hubertus Mass in the church of St. Mathew in Bechyne

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We thank Dr. Sona Supeková for giving us her great support. A warm thanks to all the sponsors who helped us greatly, and without whose contribution the organisation of the event would not have been possible.

Sona Supeková, Nicole Stava