CIC Caprinae Atlas of the World – Launch South Africa
11 September 2014

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Gerhard Damm and Dr. Nicolas Franco have worked for almost a decade on the CIC Caprinae Atlas of the World. Finally the two-volume, over 1100 page, Magnum Opus is finished and printed. Literally thousands of reference works have been examined and the individual chapters have been prepared in consultation with leading experts around the globe. The Atlas is published in a standard edition, a limited collectors’ edition (185 slip-cased sets, individually numbered and signed by the authors) and a very special limited sponsor’s edition (already sold out).

CA_2The book was officially launched at the 61st General Assembly of the CIC on 25 April in Milan, Italy but on 6 September, another important event took place.

South Africa is the home of Gerhard Damm as well as of CIC’s co-publisher, Rowland Ward Publishers; therefore the Southern hemisphere launch was a very special one. Mr. Damm opened up his home in Johannesburg for a cocktail party where many colleagues, friends and supporters of sustainable hunting were present to celebrate the fantastic achievement. Dr. Kaush Arha, CIC Vice President flew in from Dar-es-Salaam on a 24 hour visit, to introduce the Atlas to the audience, and Andreas, the son of Gerhard and Conny gave some personal insights into the years of work during his live skype speech.

You find more information about the book on the CIC and on the African Indaba website.

If you’d like to order the CIC Caprinae Atlas of the World, please download the form here.

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