World Wildlife Day 2014 – „No nature, no wildlife!“
3 March 2014

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No nature, no wildlife! Nature without wildlife is unthinkable. Both scenarios are not what we want, yet humanity is managing to get there! So, will 1 day in a year of 365 days with us sending well-intended messages make a difference? Yes, because it is a small but important step in a marathon of efforts required to achieve a healthy balance between human development and the conservation of nature. The existence of many wildlife species is threatened, charismatic and lesser known species alike. Unfettered development on the one hand, and a combination of organised crime and human greed on the other hand, are the root causes.

The International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) champions the perpetuation of wildlife and wild spaces through an incentive-driven-conservation approach and the wise and sustainable use of nature’s components. Despite the many catastrophic media reports on wildlife crime, the CIC is proud to announce and to spread the many exemplary conservation success stories. The CIC acknowledges these conservation leaders in public and for the World to see through the handing-over, on a biannual basis, of the acclaimed CIC Markhor Award at the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity. The commonality between all these success stories is the participation of local people and communities in the conservation and use of landscapes and wildlife and the significance of socio-cultural aspects in the long-term realization of wildlife conservation projects.

Legal, well-regulated and sustainable hunting is an important component with a proven track record; and embedded therein are demonstrable actions on the ground in the global efforts to contain wildlife crime! Yet, none of the recent global summits on wildlife crime have even mentioned the potential of mobilising the dozens of millions of hunters in the world to strengthen the global fight against wildlife criminals. The CIC is organising, on the 24th of April 2014, in Milan, Italy, a Global Summit: Hunters United against Wildlife Crime which will showcase the rallying of the global hunting community in systematically bringing down wildlife criminals.

Read more on the official website of World Wildlife Day!

Read the „Message on World Wildlife Day“ of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) here!