Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) Meet and Greet Held at the IUCN World Conservation Congress
5 September 2016

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Sustainable use first on the agenda at IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii. CPW members and the public meet to debate and raise awareness on sustainable use as a tool for wildlife conservation, and to exchange information about the latest developments on Sustainable Wildlife Management.

On Saturday, the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) held a Meet and Greet event at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawaii, USA. Eight partner organizations were represented on the panel which included Dr. Braulio de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary of Convention on Biological Diversity and Chair of the CPW; Johannes Refisch (UNEP); Bradnee Chambers, Executive Secretary of United Nations Environment Program Convention on Migratory Species; Anastasiya Timoshyna, Medicinal Plants Programme Leader of The Wildlife Trade Monitoring Network (TRAFFIC); Dr. Ali Kaka, CIC Ambassador for Africa; Caroline Sorensen, CIC Division Coordination Unit; Terry Sunderland, Principal Scientist with CIFOR’s Forests and Livelihoods program; and Lucy Mulenkei, a Maasai from Kenya for International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB). The panel was moderated by Rosie Cooney, Chair of the IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi).


Ms. Cooney began the session with a short introduction of the CPW, what it is and what the mission of the collaboration between the partners is. In their interventions, each panelist underlined that the main objective of the establishment of CPW is a need for unity among many stakeholders when making decisions and informing various stakeholders about sustainable wildlife management.

The audience (50 participants)reflected on the purpose of the CPW and made suggestions as to where such a powerful group of organizations could be of most use in the field of wildlife management.

ACPW_kist the close of the session, the CPW partners were left with a wealth of useful input and motivation from the audience. The CPW, still in its infancy, continues to promote conservation through the sustainable management of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife and seeks to increase cooperation and coordination on sustainable wildlife management issues among its members and partners.

*Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management (CPW) is a voluntary partnership of international organisations with substantive mandates and programmes for the sustainable use and conservation of wildlife resources.